A couple of weeks ago we had out first quarterly comp of the season. Our Judge, Alan Towse a professional photographer from Stockport PS, gave a different view on our images. With down to earth, honest comments and an insight on their commercial value. A refreshing change from the old school club judge.
In the Projected section:
Jeff Ollerhead’s “The Coffin Bearer” and Mike Lawrence’s “Young Tiger” were shortlisted and two from Trevor Chesworth “The Game” and “The Graffiti Boys” scored a full 10 points. Well Done Trevor. In fact Trevor had the dubious privilege of having the highest and lowest score of the evening (Alan did not like Trevor’s representation of an empty “Playground”).
In the Print section:
Charles Madders’ “Photo Exhibition, Lowry” and Mike Lawrence’s “In the Ghetto” were shortlisted, Charles got a 10 for his “Salt and Vinegar Please” (which is one of OPS’ contribution to the “Made in Oldham” Exhibition in Gallery Oldham which opened today, more on this later) and Christine Widdall also scored 10 for her image “The Scullery”. Well Done Christine and Charles.
For those interested we use Pictures to Exe (Version 5.5 beta10 this time) to present the projected images. This allows us to build a single exe file that previews all the images automatically for the judge with titles (just for a couple of seconds so the image can be appreciated without distractions) then allows full manual control for the judging and finally to show any of the shortlisted images without any messing about rearranging the images. I use PTE Adjuster by Al Robinson to extract the titles which makes producing the score sheet quick and easy (Note: PTE Adjuster does not yet seem to work with PTE 5.5 but I’m sure it will be updated when 5.5 is out of beta, you also need to have Microsoft Excel as Adjuster is essentially an Excel spreadsheet with macros).