News 2008

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Oldham PS News 2008

NB From May 2008, OPS news items are now reported in our Blog pages.


Three of our members, Maureen Glynn, Mike Lawrence and Christine Widdall were awarded the AFIAP – that is the Internationally recognised qualification of Artiste de la Fédération de l’Art Photographique – see the FIAP web site

AFIAP takes 5 years of international exhibition success, including a minimum of 2 awards. A portfolio of work also has to be submitted with the evidence.

March Oldham PS members have been asked to take part in an Exhibition called “Made in Oldham” which will open at Gallery Oldham on May17th. The gallery will choose about a dozen of our images to show as framed prints. All members are welcome to submit images of Fish and Chip shops to John Widdall. Why Fish and Chips? Well, strong rumour abound that Oldham is one of the originators of “fast food”. It seems that fried chipped potatoed were first sold on Tommyfield Market, Oldham from the 1860’s. Mossley, however, claim to have the earliest fish and chip shop.
April The last meeting of April marked our Awards Presentation evening. It fell to Chris Widdall, as L&CPU Vice President to present the prizes this year – a little bizarre as she was engaged in lieu of the L&CPU President, who was judging elsewhere that evening. Mike acted as MC in his position of President and presented a wonderfully entertaining AV of the awarded works.
Pictures from the awards presentationCharles Madders with Chris WiddallSheila Goodyear with Chris Widdall
Jeff Ollerhead receiving his award
Mike Lawrence receiving his award
Chris and Mike entering into the spirit…
…joined by Brian Lomas

Gallery Oldham have chosen 12 prints from Charles Madders, John and Chris Widdall and Mike Lawrence. The Exhibition opens on Saturday 17th May 2008.

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Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society offers a warm welcome to photographers at all levels. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7:15 for a 7:30 start.
For full details of how to join, please visit our web site at