Andrea Hargreaves EFIAP DPAGB BP3 PSA4
“The Art of Metamorphosis”
Oldham Photographic Society on Thursday April 19th 7:15 for 7:30
Visitors: £3.00 at the door
Andrea is a renowned photographer and she will show a brief digital presentation of images used to gain her early photographic distinctions followed by a presentation explaining the route her images take from photoshoot to finished competition entry – showing how Andrea constructed a successful series of images which made up her latest distinction submissions. The images are mostly Creative / Altered Reality
Time permitting, Andrea will show a couple of extra powerpoint presentations where she builds up the image layer by layer – very quick but effective!
We are pleased that she has agreed to be our Keynote Speaker
at Oldham Photographic Society
North Chadderton Conservative Club
Victoria Street
Chadderton OL9 0HH
Enquiries :
NB please inform Mike if you wish to attend for seating logistics