On Thursday (19/3/2020) evening the Council held an emergency meeting, by video conference, regarding the COVID19 emergency measures. It was decided, at that meeting, to cancel all OPS meetings at the Blue Club until further notice.
This decision was not taken lightly. Following the government guidelines for social distancing we felt it necessary to suspend meetings until we get guidance otherwise, hopefully soon.
Please everyone look after yourselves. We want to see you all back when this is all over.
We have set up a private Facebook group for all members where we can all keep in touch, share images, stories and information. If you have not received your invitation to join the group, please let Mike Lawrence know.
We intend to still hold competitions (PDI only, sorry) and appraisals. We will keep this up to date as the situation becomes more clear.
This is a good time to take your camera out with the dog (or cat), only one a day, and create great images – remember social distancing.
Good Luck everyone and stay healthy.