It’s early January and the FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2023 Results are out. We came 37th out of 226 clubs from 45 countries. While it was a slightly disappointing result compared to last year, it was still a very good effort from our members and we are well ahead of some excellent UK clubs. Well done everyone whose work was chosen to represent us! Overall Winners were the Russian Group “New World” and in second and third places UK clubs Wigan 10 Foto Club and Catchlight CC. Smethwick PS were 6th and Rolls Royce Derby PS 10th. Local club, Chorley PS, were placed 12th. The only UK Individual Award this year was an Hon Mention to Paul Statter of Wigan 10, so many congratulations to Paul.
We had five images selected for the World Cup Exhibition (in order of the small thumbnails gallery; they are also included in the gallery of our full entry below).