This post features another of our recent PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit recipients, Gill Brett, who now adds the accreditation “CPAGB” to her existing RPS and BPE awards. In order to apply for an adjudication for the CPAGB award, the candidate must first pre-qualify by supporting their club’s internal competitions and/or exhibitions for a minimum of two years. Application is then made to the PAGB and an adjudication date is set. The adjudications have customarily been held in the spring and autumn of each year, but due to our present exceptional circumstances, delays have inevitably occurred. The adjudication is carried out by six expert assessors and the candidate must achieve a minimum of 200 points out of a possible maximum of 300, over ten images.
Here are Gill’s ten images. Many congratulations, Gill, from all of Oldham Photographic Society.