Hello OPS members and a Happy New Year!
The GB Cup results are out and didn’t we do well? We entered the small club section along with 51 other clubs and we came equal 6th and were the highest marked L&CPU club!!!!
6/52 seems pretty decent to me and maybe we could do even better next year if we try just a bit harder.
The results for some of our nature images was disappointing, but it was clearly stated in the rules that nature images entered in the open section would be judged for their pictorial appeal not for their relevance in the natural world, as there was also a nature competition running alongside. Unfortunately, we couldn’t enter the nature section as we didn’t have enough nature photographers, so we had to put our nature work in the general section…hence lower than usual marks. But never mind, we still had a very creditable result!
Individual marks and authors for the works used were as follows (marks, as usual with 3 judges, out of 15):
Under The Boardwalk / Kath Clinton / 9
The Guardians / Christine Widdall / 14
Rain and Sun / Christine Widdall /12
Painted Lady / Sue Heaton / 9
Out of Season / Christine Widdall / 11
Nationalist Youth / Mike Lawrence / 11
Migrant Hawker(2) / Chris Woodward / 9
Incoming Tide / Matt Aspden / 12
Hanging Around / Chris Woodward / 11
Flower in vase / Charles Madders / 10
Boys will be… / Maureen Glynn / 13
A Touch of Pink / Alan Morris / 12
Total score: 133
…and below is a gallery of the images that we used, in the same order…
Rod Wheelans, the GB Cup Organiser, sent the results out and said in the accompanying email:
Well, due to the weather, everything did not go exactly to plan but we still got the GB Cup (Small Clubs) completed and we will finish the GB Cup (Open) tomorrow. Of the nine judges booked to do the job only 3 made it. Russ & Barbie Lindsay plus Anne Greiner who I keep in my house for such situations. We tried, at short notice, to get two PAGB listed judges from nearby Cumbria but they couldn’t get here either. Everybody tried the best they could but really it was impossible.Libby Smith had come to operate the projection system but we delegated that job to her husband Neil. Libby was drafted in as a judge. (We are grateful to Dumfries CC and Carluke CC who agreed to withdraw from the GB Cup Open so that we could use their members, Libby and Anne, to judge it.)Unfortunately we will have to arrange the GB Cup (Natural History) judging for another day – as yet unspecified.So, despite everything, we had excellent judging teams and the GB Cup (Small Clubs) was judged byAnne Greiner MPAGB, Barbie Lindsay MPAGB EFIAP and Libby Smith MPAGB EFIAPS