Well not really but at least I got your attention and this blog needs a kick start so here goes – firstly my spell checker will hopefully convert my words to words you will all understand (it might be the across the pond version though) I am dyslexic and you will need to ignore my punctuation (if you find any)
A quite famous photographer went to a book signing by his favorite author who recognized him and said I know you you are Joe Blog the famous photographer – I love your pictures you must have a fantastic camera – yes the photographer replied I do and I also admire your books you must have a fantastic typewriter – the story reminded me of a true story and way of life I once held – I spent a great deal of my working life in the far east or pacific rim as its now called ( why do we always have to invent new names for old things) for five to ten weeks at a time I would live and work in jungle villages – the village structure was much like a camera club you had a chief (president) council elders (committee) and village dwellers (members) on my first day at a village I had not been to before there was a hatch and dispatch (birth and death) on the same day and in tribal custom this was a good omen and a special day to celebrate – the tribe had been converted from head hunters to christians long ago and the missionaries were long gone – but some tribal traditions never die – in the church communion was served from the bark of a tree and coconut half and a great night followed – next morning I went to speak with the village elders and much to my surprise saw the chiefs wife with a silver plater and chalice feeing swill to the pigs and corn to the chickens with them – when later in the day I asked the chief why the silver ware was used to feed livestock and not used for communion – he told me the silver ware was just plates and containers made by man where as the coconut was a seed from the palm that contained the recipe to make another palm so though the silver may look nice the coconut is of more use and when its job is done it is then like the silver just a container and of equal importance and its value is not what it is made from but in what you put into it – where is this leading us all to well its back to the fantastic camera syndrome be it a hasselblad or a zenith its what you put into it – so what made you choose the camera you use – for me it was full frame and 20×16 inch prints OK you can make a 20×16 print from a six megapixel camera or can you have you tried or just read it somewhere – does it really make a difference what it says on the front of the camera on mine the logos are all blocked out with masking tape and I smile inwardly when someone asks me what make it is and why have I covered up the logo – OK your turn now
(Admin can we have some more descriptive parent categories like Cameras-Printing- projected images etc I tried to make one but it wont let me or am I just LOOKING FOR TROUBLE