Nominations for Officers, Secretaries and Council Members 2024
- There are four places for Ordinary Members of Council. Three are presently occupied by Sandra Walker, Pat Noon and Steve Kershaw, who are part way through their 3 year terms, so are not up for re-election this year. We need at least one new council member this year.
- To propose a new member or second an existing nominee please use the form at the bottom of the page.
- For all council positions please ensure the proposed person has agreed to being put forward. Note that retiring members are eligible for re-election.
PRESIDENT Andrea Wilson | Council | Eddie Leach |
SECRETARY Gill Brett | Christine Widdall | Mike Lawrence |
TREASURER Andrea Wilson | Council | Eddie Leach |
PROGRAMME SECRETARY Gavin Taylor | Council | Eddie Leach |
COMPETITION SECRETARY Mike Lawrence | Council | Eddie Leach |
ASSISTANT COMPETITION SECRETARY Christine Widdall | Council | Eddie Leach |
COUNCIL MEMBERS Wendy Monaghan | Council | Eddie Leach |
WEBMASTER Christine Widdall | Appointed by the Council. | N/A |
RETIRING PRESIDENT Gill Brett | The President automatically takes this role during the term of his/her successor | N/A |
ARCHIVIST Christine Widdall | Appointed by the Council. Note that this is not an elected position but is included here for completeness. | N/A |
L&CPU FOLIOS CONTACT Christine Widdall | Appointed by the Council. Note that this is not an elected position but is included here for completeness. | N/A |
AUDITOR | The Auditor is appointed each year at the AGM. | N/A |
L&CPU DELEGATE(S) Andrea Wilson is the Primary Delegate. The OPS Secretary is always an additional (ex-officio) Delegate to the L&CPU and may also vote at L&CPU meetings. | The L&CPU Primary Delegate is appointed by the Council. | N/A |
Nominations Form
Nominations until 7:30pm at the meeting