January | The New Year began with a treat from Anthony Pioli with a well received talk on nature photography. Tony has a fine record in entering the BPE Exhibitions circuit, where he has been rewarded by a high number of acceptances and medals over the years. We look forward to welcoming him back later in the year. |
February | The quarterly competitions came to a climax. with the decider, the 4th quarterly, judged by Dave Hollows of Sale PS. Congratulations to Norman Piper and Trevor Chesworth who cleaned up the awards between them!The model evening was well attended and we plan to make our next model session in the summer at studios in Hathershaw.The L&CPU AGM was attended by Secretary John Widdall and Delegate Mike Lawrence, where a vote to increase L&CPU subscriptions in line with cost of living rises was carried. |
Best print and slide, Adrian Deaville CompetitionBefore the Mast On the Tiles by Christine Widdall | Congratulations to all members gaining awards in the OPS annual competitions!!!
We again won the Adrian Deaville Memorial Competition which was hosted by Rochdale & District CC and judged by Colin Douglas of St Helens. We won the club trophy by a comfotable margin over rivals Rochdale & Dist CC and Oldham CC. Christine Widdall won both awards for “best print” with “Before the Mast” and “best slide” with “On the Tiles”- the prizes, bottles of malt whisky for best print and for best slide were donated by Barry Deaville, who is considering banning Chris from the competition next year!! Thanks to the hosts for a very enjoyable evening. We entered the L&CPU interclub pre-qualifying competition for the PAGB club print challenge, held at South Manchester CC. After the first round, we were doing very well, lying in third place, but several clubs were grouped together near the top and we slipped a couple of places in the final round….never mind, there’s always another year! Several members entered the L&CPU individual projected image competition, also held at SMCC (in the evening). All who attended had a wonderful evening and were treated to such an array of excellent images. |
March | The Awards Sub-committee comprising John, Chris, Mike and Steve submitted an OPS application to the Big Lottery “Awards for All”, for funds to buy digital projection equipment, a computer and software for the club. As part of the application, we have to submit a community based project, which we have given the working title “Photography Today”. The project will involve all of our members in the preparation of a presentation to be given at venues within the Oldham area during the autumn of 2006. |
April | The grant application to “Awards for All” was successful!!! and we now have the funds to buy a digital projector, computer and all the software that we shall need for our community based project. The grant subcommitee will meet soon to arrange purchase of the equipment, then the club will be involved in planning the presentation. The planning meeting will take place at a workshop evening in June, when we will decide “who does what”.On April 20th, John and Chris visited Crewe PS’s to take part in the 100th Birthday Celebration of Jim Harrison, who was an active member of Oldham PS for 43 years before he moved to Crewe 11 years ago to be close to his daughter. Chris was also present in her capacity as General Secretary of the L&CPU, along with L&CPU President, David Marsh, who presented Jim with a specially commissioned L&CPU Centenary Medal. Pictures and full report. |
May | The 100-Nil Exhibition at Gallery Oldham will open on 27th January and features work from 5 of our members, Jenny Binks, Mike Lawrence, Brian Dennett, Chris and John Widdall. Report here |
June | The second meeting of June was taken up with a discussion on how to progress the project that we are doing to introduce members of the local communtiy to digital photography, but it was also a good opportunity to say our farewll to Mike, who is due to leave on his epic bike ride at the end of the month.
The new computer, projection and sound equipment has arrived!! and it’s brilliant!!! The new subcommittee plans are underway and the first show with the equipment is planned for the autumn. |
July | Plans are also underway to set up a mentoring scheme, where less experienced photographers can tap the knowledge of those more experienced. We hope this will be especially helpful to our newer members.
The society’s meetings ended for the summer holiday with a studio shoot at Hathershaw Community Centre, but there are a couple of meets in the summer for those who are around and want to meet up, socialise, take photographs and maybe have a beer together. Please see the programme page. ![]() After suffering the pain of the Voges Mountains and the German Alps, Mike and his son Chris are now taking the “easy way” down the Danube in Germany and should make it into Austria soon. Here’s a picture of them during their journey through France. In case you’re wondering what they are holding – it’s not a knockwurst sausage, it’s a digeridoo! |
Aug | August was a quiet month, our meeting place being closed for the holidays. A “dedicated few” turned out for a couple of meets in Saddleworth, the Yanks and Rushcart events. Both events provided opportunities for some interesting (if at times technically difficult) photography. A little bird has whispered that a couple of members may be putting their photos into audio visuals….maybe we can see those in the next season at the AV evening.
The mentoring scheme is now underway and feedback is favourable. |
Sept | This month began with the welcome return of Tony Pioli with another fascinating talk illustrated with his superb nature photography.Mike Lawrence re-joined us on September 14th – the whole club burst into spontaneous applause when he entered. Few knew that he was back from his travels through Europe by bicycle. We are so glad he decided not to attempt Siberia!!David hosted his President’s evening on 21st September. This marks the end of his year as president. Traditionally, the President provides the entertainment and buffet on his last evening. This year, the entertainment took the form of the L&CPU Colour Prints Folio. This was followed by a buffet prepared by Sue, Kath and Chris – the social side of the evening was much enjoyed, as usual, with plenty of friendly chat. |
Oct | Who’s Who 2006-7 President:John Widdall President Elect: Mike LawrenceCompetition Secretaries: Chris Widdall (external) Mike Lawrence (internal) Secretary: Salim KhanRetiring President: David Butterworth Programme Secretary: Chris WiddallWebmaster: Chris Widdall Projectionist: Charles Madders Council Members: Barbara Booth, Charles Madders, Trevor Chesworth, Jenny Binks |
Nov | We were notified on 4th November of the death of Jim Harrison, who celebrated his 100th birthday this year. Those of us who remember him knew him as a wonderful person, dedicated to his family and his hobbies of music and photography, who retained his gentleness and good humour to the end. Jim died in hospital after an operation to replace a hip joint following an accident. |
Dec | The year ended with the usual buffet supper which was prepared by Kath and Sue. Our thanks go to them…as catering managers they hadn’t expected to end up doing all the work!! but a fine job they make of it. |