Next Visiting Speaker
Our next speaker is David Tolliday who is bringing his talk, UK Travels with a Wildlife Camera, to OPS on the 29th September. David is a well-known and well-respected speaker who has visited many clubs both within the L&CPU region and outside it. This should be a talk that will enthrall everyone, whether natural history…
Still on the subject of AVs ………..
Quite a number of members don’t have PtoE, or other software, for putting together an AV sequence and might not want to invest until they’ve seen it ‘in action’ with their own pictures. To try and give everyone a ‘taster’, we’ve programmed a ‘High Days & Holidays – Work & Play’ meeting, in spring or…
‘AVs to Share Evening’ (2011-09-09)
This meeting was great ……….. at least for me it was! Seeing your own AVs (audio-visuals) on the big screen is a thrill ……… they look (and sound!) so much different from seeing them on the monitor. Not everyone in OPS makes AVs so I’m hoping that what the members saw, and hopefully enjoyed, will…