Summerschool on Basic Portrait Lighting
Gavin led a summerschool workshop last week exploring how changing lighting angles and strength will affect the final image. Our model for the night, Alaine, did a wonderful job, over and above the call of duty, holding up the reflector and happily creating different poses. Gavin also showed the effect of modifyers like soft-boxes, beauty…
Changes to Competitions – notes from the council meeting, July 2019 – Please read!!!
Change to entry numbers It’s wonderful that we have so many members entering competitions…and especially the number now entering prints. However, this means that the number of images for judges to comment on has gradually risen over the last year or so, with 111 entries last Quarterly and 99 the previous Quarterly. 60+ used to…
Second Quarterly 2019-20 Competition Results
The second quarterly competition was judged by Robert Millin MFIAP. Below are the images which he awarded full marks. Best Projected Images Best Prints