The Oldham PS “Mini-Warwick” Internal Competition

Home » The Oldham PS “Mini-Warwick” Internal Competition

Last Thursday (18th July 2024) we held what we call our OPS “Mini-Warwick” Internal Competition. The idea of this is to give our members a flavour of what it is like when the club enters the real “Warwick”, the Photographic Alliance Inter-Club Projected Image Challenge, a National event, which was scheduled for 21st Nov 2024 (see next post).

The Rules!

Entrants begin with their chosen bank of up to 11 images. From their bank, an entrant uploads 3 images into each of two rounds of competition then the aggregate scores are taken. The members with the top 5 aggregate scores are then invited to compete in a final event. This is where tactics come in as entrants can only re-use up to two images from their first two rounds plus they must add at least one new image from their pre-loaded bank or even enter three entirely new images from their bank in a game of tactics. Sounds complicated but it’s really very easy!

The Competition

With 16 members entered, we therefore had 48 images to be judged in each of the first two rounds. Our judge was Steve Proctor from Chorley PS and we gave him a real challenge both in quality of images and time allowed to judge those 96 images and still leave time for the final! With the top 5 aggregate marks calculated, six members qualified to enter the final. After the judging of the final round, there was still no clear winner with two members on identical scores, Gill Brett and Christine Widdall, see below:

Gill Brett – final round images, total score 58/60

Christine Widdall – final round images, total score 58/60

Sudden Death Tie Break

If there is a tie for first place, a count back is done and the member with most maximum scores is the winner, but there was still nothing between Gill and Christine with 1×20 and 2x19s each, in the final round, so a “sudden death” tie break had to be carried out. This required one entirely new image to be entered from Chris and Gill’s now very dwindling “bank”…so you have to leave at least one of your best till last! The judge was then asked to pick his winner from the last 2 images and he chose “Girl with Finch”, so Christine was overall winner.


Many thanks to Steve Proctor, our judge and congratulation to all the 16 entrants, who gave us a fabulous show of what the club is capable of…thanks also to Jeni who brought delicious cakes to celebrate her birthday and to everyone who attended for such a fabulous evening of friendship and enjoyment. For those who couldn’t make it on the night, sadly you missed a brilliant event.