What’s On
All meetings are at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start unless otherwise stated at: The North Chadderton Conservative Club (The Blue Club), Victoria Street, Chadderton OL9 0HH. Map here We welcome prospective members to our meetings and invite you to come and meet us. Visitors and prospective members please pay £2 at the door for normal meetings, £3 for Keynote Lecture nights. Also see “How to Join”. Programme changes are notified here. Page last updated by Christine Widdall on 15th June 2018 Jan 4 Creative Montage Photography – start of a new challenge. Presentation by Eddie Leach 11 Model Photoshoot night – bring cameras 18 “Underwater Photography” – a talk by Paul Webster 25 PDI Battle OPS vs IOM vs RDCC with judge Robert Millin Feb 1 Appraisal night – upload photos to competition portal 8 L&CPU NA print FolioClosing date for entries to 4th Quarterly 15 My Journey to an MA in Photography with Colin Jarvis of Preston PS 22 4th Quarterly Judging – Judge is Nick Berenzen Mar 1 Cancelled due to snow 8 “Photographic Histories”, a talk by David Burgess MA (phot) ARPS 15 Still Life Challenge introduction night with JW&CW 20 Adrian Deaville Competition at Rochdale and District CC, Sykehttp://www.rochdalecameraclub.org.uk/ 22 NC print Folio from…
How to Join
Focused On Photography – 2024
In Focus – 2023
Refocused – 2022
Staying Focused – 2021
An Exhibition of Oldham Photographic Society Members This year’s pop-up digital image exhibition replaces our planned print exhibition of 2020, which was put on hold due to the restrictions implemented with the coronavirus pandemic. However, throughout the various lockdowns, the members of Oldham P S have continued holding weekly online meetings and have stayed focused on photography. To view the whole exhibition please select ‘All Categories’ and ‘All Exhibitors‘. You can click on any of the thumbnail images to see a larger version and scroll through all of the images or to click on the > button to start the slideshow.It is also possible to select an individual exhibitor by name and all categories to see a single set of images. Alternatively, it is possible to select any of the categories and view all images in that genre.We would like to thank our members for their contribution to this exhibition and we hope you enjoy taking a look at the work of Oldham Photographic Society. [justified_image_grid gallery=59994]
150th Anniversary Exhibition – 2017
In the July 2017, Gallery Oldham hosted out 150th anniversary exhibition. The exhibition was built around 20 posters at A1 size, tracing the history of photography, the Oldham Photographic Society and its Victorian members. The links below show small versions of the poster exhibition, put together by Christine Widdall, from her book, “A Victorian Society“. Click on each image to see a board with text big enough to actually read!
100-Nil Oldham Athletic Centenary
OPS members were invited to photograph the 100th year Oldham Athletic anniversary match at Boundary Park. An Exhibition was held at Gallery Oldham afterwards.
[s2If !is_user_logged_in()] You must be logged in to see these members’ only pages.Please Login [/s2If] [s2If is_user_logged_in()] Hi [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME"], welcome back. [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_treasurer)] Do you want to go to your Treasurer’s Page? [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_paid_up)] Your subs are paid up until the AGM My Dashboard Contact Council [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_terminated) AND current_user_is_not(administrator)] Expired Membership Members who are three months or greater in arrears who wish to rejoin please re-apply here [/s2If] [s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1) AND !current_user_can(access_s2member_level2)] Your subscription expired immediately after the AGM and is now due. Please go to OPS Subscription Page to pay by PayPal/Credit/Debit Card before the end of the year. Contact Council [/s2If]
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Upload Images to Competition Portal
Competition Entry Portal FAQ
Where are the Competition Rules? You can download the latest competition rules from the members’ page tab on the menu. You will need the password, which you can obtain from the web-master or competition secretary. Who may enter competitions at Oldham PS? Only bona fide members may enter. How do I enter the competitions? All competitions are entered through our competition entry portal. The competition secretary will set you up on the portal and you will have a password. Log in, find the competition of your choice and follow the instructions on screen. When an image is not the same aspect ratio at 1600×1200, what do I do? Projected digital images (PDI) must fit within a rectangular measurement of 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high. Not all images will be exactly that size or shape.See the menu item: Preparing images for projected image competitions for full instructions. How can I enter prints through the portal? In the same way as PDI. We use the uploaded images for admin purposes and sometimes to project on the night alongside the prints. You must bring your print on the night of the competition and it must correspond to the image that you…
Preparing files for projected image competitions
(Updated- 29/08/13) Hi All It’s the start of a new competition season and I though I would give a few pointers to getting the best out of the digital projected section. First a little plea on file names. Please use only the title for the filename (with the .jpg extension), do not put your name, Member number or any thing else. Can you use the appropriate title case with only the first letter of important words capitalised – it looks MUCH prettier when displayed. If you are sending them to me on CD or USB stick or other physical media please put all your entries in a folder with your name as the folder name (only one name for one set of entries if you are supplying entries for several members on the same media). If you are emailing them to me simply attach them to the email and make sure your name is in the body of the email (also if you are sending the maximum number please indicate the order of the files) and a subject line that states OPS and the comp name please (I get such a lot of emails it is useful to be able…
OPS and L&CPU Competition Rules
OPS Internal Competition Rules Please note the following: The projection size for all events (unless otherwise specified) is 1600×1200 pixels. i.e. the images must be no more than 1200 pixels high and no more than 1600 pixels wide. Pictures not to that 4:3 ratio must fit inside the 1600×1200 maximums. The unused space should NOT be filled with black or any other colour.You do not need to use a membership number, which is now obsolete.Images must be uploaded to the portal by the closing date unless otherwise stated.Your scores can be seen on the portal after judging. Download OPS Competition Rules 2018 onwards here L&CPU Individual Competitions The L&CPU hold annual competitions for club members, in May. You may choose your own images (see rules below) but the entry is made via our Competition Secretary. A selection of the best images from this competition may be retained by the L&CPU to be included in the travelling folios, or to be sent to the PAGB competition, when they will be placed in the folios the following year. Prints may potentially be retained for two years. LCPU Individual Competition Rules 2019Download Other Information Download OPS Constitution Download OPS Protection Policy Download OPS…
PAGB and LCPU Nature Definitions
Here is the newly announced amended PAGB nature definition – please note – it applies to PAGB competitions listed below. The L&CPU are likely to follow suit but not for the upcoming club competitions, whose rules have already gone out – and the new definition will not apply to BPE, RPS or FIAP exhibitions, which you might choose to enter yourself, outside the club. DEFINITION OF NATURE TO BE USED IN PAGB COMPETITIONS Note that images already meeting the separate FIAP Definition of Nature will satisfy this less restrictive definition. Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation. The story telling value of a Nature photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible. Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. Processing of the captured image, by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction,…
L&CPU Competitions repetition rule
Guidance for Club Competition Secretaries and Photographers 1 All L&CPU competitions include the principle that an image, once entered into a competition, is noteligible to be entered into the same competition 2 The definitions and boundaries of each competition are stated in the respective rules 3 The L&CPU are building an archive of entries made via its on line system, with validation software whichwill identify possible eligibility errors. This check is based on a combination of the image title and thephotographers name 4 The same title by a different photographer is always a different image 5 Any change between competitions in typing either the title or the photographers name and distinctionsmay mean that a warning is not given 6 The system may give a false warning where two photographers share the same name or have very similarnames 7 Best practice and highly desirable is for the author of an image to give each image a unique title and forthat title never to be changed. A different title by the same author will be assumed to be a differentimage; however, it is the image which matters and a review of image files will reveal an ineligible entry 8 An image, which…
How we use your pictures on the web
Information for Oldham PS Members from Chris Widdall, webmaster Pictures used on the OPS web site You retain copyright of all pictures that you/we post to the web site. This is regardless of whether or not you have watermarked your images with a copyright statement. On the galleries page, I do put a statement that the pictures remain copyright of the photographer. It is recommended that you embed your copyright symbol in the EXIF data on all of your pictures. This can be done in camera, or from your software editing programme, e.g. Photoshop/Lightroom. The easiest way for me is to automatically have my copyright as part of the data that is applied to every photograph as I import it from my memory card to Lightroom. However, be aware that EXIF data can be stripped off or edited by unscrupulous persons. It is always possible to steal a picture from a web site, even when “right click/save as” is disabled. If it is displayed on a computer, it is in RAM and can be extracted. You may wish to choose which of your photographs you are prepared to share on the web and this is why we will not post your…
Matte Designer
Help to calculate the cuts for making a window mounted print
Plagiarism article
OPS Constitution and Policy Documents
Download OPS Constitution Download OPS Protection Policy Download OPS Social Media and Data Protection Policy Notes about the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union (L&CPU), Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) and International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP)
Special Interest Groups
Oldham Photographic Society (OPS) has several Special Interest Groups. These are open to any OPS member. GroupOrganiserInformation pageSIG Members pageNatureNature infoNature SIGStudioStudio infoStudio SIGLandscapeLandscape infoLandscape SIGAVAV infoAV SIG
Council Contact Details
Oldham PS Who’s Who 2019-20 The Council 2019-2020 President: (2018-2020) Wendy Monaghan 07595941858 the-monaghans@sky.comPresident Elect: Gavin Taylor gavin2@btinternet.com Most Recent Past President on council: Eddie LeachSecretary: Mike Donough 01457 875054 secretary@oldhamps.org.ukTreasurer: John Widdall 01457 876215 john@widdall.co.uk Programme Secretary: Gavin Taylor gavin2@btinternet.comCompetition Secretary: Mike Lawrence 0161 284 0550 mike@steelorchid.co.ukAssistant Competition Secretary: Andy Kerr andy@wonderwhizz.comOrdinary Council Members: Gill Brett, Andrea Wilson, Sandra Walker Other Jobs Archivist: Christine Widdall 01457 876215 christine@widdall.co.uk Webmaster: Christine Widdall 01457 876215 christine@widdall.co.uk L&CPU Folio Contact: Christine Widdall 01457 876215 christine@widdall.co.uk Projectionist: Mike Lawrence 0161 284 0550 mike@steelorchid.co.ukHealth and Safety Secretaries: Andrea Wilson, Gill BrettExhibitions Subcommittee: Andrea Wilson, Gill Brett, Sandra Walker Recent Past Presidents Christine Widdall (2016-17) Eddie Leach (2017-18)
Andrea Wilson
The images on this page are copyright © Andrea Wilson and may not be used without permission.
Christine Widdall
David Reeve
Eddie Leach
Gary Waidson
Gill Brett
The images on this page are copyright © GillBrett and may not be used without permission.
Karen Shivas
Mark Dodsworth
Mike Lawrence
What are they? L&CPU, PAGB, FIAP –
Photographers’ Rights
Links to External Tutorials and Useful Sites
How Your Camera Sensor Works
Diffraction Blur – in practice
How it affects your camera Diffraction blur occurs naturally in every camera no matter how expensive the lens. How much blurring of the image depends on the aperture, specifically the f-number. It is not affected by the focal length of the lens; a 100mm lens at f/16 will produce the same “size” blur on the sensor as a 200mm lens at f/16 on the same camera. Perhaps surprisingly, the blurring increases as the aperture is reduced, i.e. as we “stop down” i.e. as the f-number increases. So if we want to retain the maximum level of detail in our images – the best that our sensor is capable of – we should avoid using apertures smaller than a certain value. To take an example, my 16Mp, 1.5 crop Pentax K5 IIs will (theoretically) show diffraction blur at f-numbers higher than about f/10. This does not stop me using f/16 when the situation demands. I referred above to the “size” of blur on the sensor. For a particular aperture this will be the same whether you have a 6Mp sensor or a 24Mp sensor, however the 24Mp sensor may be able to “see” the effect whilst the 6Mp sensor may not…
Salons and Distinctions
British Photographic Exhibitions (BPE)
Founding of the Society
A Victorian Society
A Victorian Society (Oldham Photographic Society, the first 150 years by Christine Widdall) Available from amazon.co.uk 326 pages and more than 300 pictures… £15 including postage Description “A Victorian Society” is a book about early photography and photographers, told against the backdrop of life in what was to become the most productive cotton spinning town in the world. In 1867, when photography was still in its infancy, a group of photographers from Oldham and District met at the Hare and Hounds Inn, Yorkshire Street, and founded the Oldham Photographic Society and some of these men would provide the early photographic studios in the town. The photographic portrait had been accessible only to the wealthy but now it was beginning to be affordable by all but the poorest in society. One evening each week, the early photographers of Oldham met to share knowledge and to collect photographs in their album, which has mostly lain unseen in the society’s archives for over 100 years. “A Victorian Society” has more than 300 black and white photographs and illustrations, many of which are published here for the first time. The book first traces the early days of photography through the lives of the pioneers, in…
John Widdall BSc(Hons), CEng, MIEE, CPAGB, HonLCPU
Victorian Mystery Solved
This post was originally written in 2008 but has been updated in 2018 as a result of further information becoming available. During the autumn of 2007, out of the blue, a Mrs Marina Lord had contacted one of our committee members (Trevor C). She had found an old portrait photograph in a drawer of a house that she had bought in Failsworth. The card was a Victorian carte de visite from the late 19th century. On the reverse of the card was the inscription “S Beverley, Church Street, Blackpool” (the photographer) along with two circular inscriptions proclaiming “Oldham Photographic Society, First Prize 1870” and “Oldham Photographic Society, First Prize 1871”. The obverse shows a profile view of a rather austere looking woman wearing a dark dress with bustle and “apron”. No-one on the committee could shed any light on this at the time. However….I happened to meet a member of Stafford Photographic Society (Gillian Jones) whilst judging the Midland Club Championships in Leicester. The following week I was actually booked to give a talk at Stafford PS and Gillian arrived with a gift for me. Gillian has published a number of Directories of Photographers and it turned out that her gift was…
Members strike gold in Austria
Gentleman Jim Harrison
Archived News and Reports 2003-2008
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Whitby Gothic
Whitby Gothic
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Mike and Chris at Whitby Gothic Festival last Saturday.
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March 30, 2011