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  • L&CPU results

    The L&CPU results were published today on the competitions page of the L&CPU web site… Here are a few highlights/lowlights…. About 58 clubs entered. We had a disappointing placing very near the bottom with only 40 points in General Monochrome Prints. But… We were equal 4th in Natural History Projected Images….a very good result indeed.…

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  • Another win for OPS!

    Tonight, 30th April 2010, we retained the Romily Challenge Cup, having beaten allcomers…the other clubs competing were, Romily, Hyde, Stockport, North Cheshire, Chapel, Davyhulme, Rochdale, Bramhall and Altrincham. The entry consisted of five images from 5 workers and we chose… “Out of Season” by Christine Widdall (20 marks) “Nationalist Youth” by Mike Lawrence (20 marks)…

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  • Great Result – Great British Cup

    Hello OPS members and a Happy New Year! The GB Cup results are out and didn’t we do well? We entered the small club section along with 51 other clubs and we came equal 6th and were the highest marked L&CPU club!!!! 6/52 seems pretty decent to me and maybe we could do even better…

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  • Results Men vs Women

    Well, ladies, we beat them again! Norman Piper was the judge for the winter leg of the men vs Women. Now this is getting to be jus a little bit embarrassing…four matches and four wins for the women! Forgive us for being just a little smug you guys but you do outnumber us by about…

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Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society offers a warm welcome to photographers at all levels. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7:15 for a 7:30 start.
For full details of how to join, please visit our web site at