Oldham PS News

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  • Warwick result

    Eight members gathered at Warwick University last week to support the Oldham PS entry in the PAGB Interfederation Inter-Club PDI Championship 2010, which we had qualified to enter by beating allcomers in February in the qualifying round. (It’s worth noting here that Wigan 10 did not have to qualify as they had automatic entry because…

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  • L&CPU results

    The L&CPU results were published today on the competitions page of the L&CPU web site… Here are a few highlights/lowlights…. About 58 clubs entered. We had a disappointing placing very near the bottom with only 40 points in General Monochrome Prints. But… We were equal 4th in Natural History Projected Images….a very good result indeed.…

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  • Goth weekend

    Great fun was had at the Whitby Goth weekend. Chris and Mike, determined to bag some prize winning images for Warwick, decided to dress gothic. It backfired a bit, because we ended up being models for other people! hey ho! Here’s a taster of how we looked.

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  • Great Result – Great British Cup

    Hello OPS members and a Happy New Year! The GB Cup results are out and didn’t we do well? We entered the small club section along with 51 other clubs and we came equal 6th and were the highest marked L&CPU club!!!! 6/52 seems pretty decent to me and maybe we could do even better…

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Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society offers a warm welcome to photographers at all levels. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7:15 for a 7:30 start.
For full details of how to join, please visit our web site at https://oldhamphotographic.co.uk/