Showcase – Mike Lawrence
This is a shot I got the other day at Uppermill (Yorkshire Day). I have cropped in very tight for this image. He is one of the Civil War re-enactment group. Any thoughts anyone? Its working title (and may even be final title) is “Pipe Dream” Ken Nolan Said: I like your image and as…
Summer Schools
We have now had three of our four Summer Schools. Last week was a change of pace from the head splitting intermediate level I gave to the less straining but still most enlightening beginners level so delightfully presented by Christine. I even learned some new tricks myself. Christine managed to reinforce some of the more…
Preparation of Images for Projection
The recent tutorial by Mike included the topic of resizing images for projection. This reminded me of a note that Gordon Jenkins and I produced for the L&CPU website and published in May. I have updated this to refer to the OPS image size requirement of 1400 x 1050 (which is likely to be adopted…