A big thank you to Gordon Jenkins for his very entertaining and informative beginners’ guide to working with RAW files, presented as the fourth in our series of five August Summerschools last night.
So far this year we have covered:
Week 1 – Colour theory with Gordon Jenkins.
Week 2 – The basics of making selections with Mike Lawrence.
Week 3 – Principles of montage with Christine Widdall
Week 4 – Working with RAW files with Gordon Jenkins
Week 5 – and the last of the series will be with Mike Lawrence next week. He’s keeping the subject a bit under his hat at the moment but I am given to understand that it will benefit both experienced and inexperienced photographers so please don’t miss it!
The subject matter of the August Summerschools has largely been dictated by “what the members ask for”. Historically, for some years, the club closed during the summer holidays. When we moved from the secondary school to the Blue Club, meeting all year round became once again possible. As we were aware that many people took their holidays during August, we conceived the summerschools as tutorial evenings, which can run with just a few members present, but in fact we achieve about the same attendance as we do at regular meetings.
We are planning a back to basics session in the coming weeks, so watch for announcements about this.
Members who have specific requests for help should approach the president, who will try to link you uo with a more experienced member who can help you out.
Chris Widdall