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  • Preparations for the 150th Anniversary

    Preparations for the 150th Anniversary

    The 150th anniversary of Oldham PS will take place in May this year and lots of preparations are in place to celebrate it. Firstly, a members commemorative book is planned, which will be printed on demand, probably by Blurb. We will be holding a special dinner during the week of the anniversary, when Mike and Christine will…

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  • Your pictures wanted..

    Your pictures wanted..

    Just thinking it’s time we displayed some new photos on this blog, so I’m challenging OPS members to send me a few of their very best and favorite images from 2015 and I will display them in a gallery on the blog page…here are some of mine… Please save your images at 600 pixels on…

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  • Rights to take and use photographs

    Rights to take and use photographs

    This web site has a page dedicated to where and when you may take photographs in the UK. I have added two new articles to the page and the links are also below. Access rights in the UK Image Rights For more details see the dedicated page on this web site.

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  • Outing to Salford Quays

    Outing to Salford Quays

    Seven members met at Salford Quays on Thursday last and were treated to some great light. Here are a few of Christine’s pictures for a starter. …followed by 4 from Kev Gamwell: Three from David Hall…. Four from Karen: …and last but not least, seven from Mike:

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Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society

Oldham Photographic Society offers a warm welcome to photographers at all levels. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7:15 for a 7:30 start.
For full details of how to join, please visit our web site at https://oldhamphotographic.co.uk/